Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Cleaning the Basement

For several years now J and I have talked about it, but could not carve out the time and commitment to tackle our basement. You know how it goes. We've rehabbed, redecorated, redone every room in this old house, but not the basement. This spring we decided, it's time.

I don't need to go into detail about what's been evolving done there for the past 23 years. Just stuff. The stuff of raising kids, making a home, hobbies, interests, dreams x 4. Empty nesting, holding on, losing parents, letting go.

It's not easy, cleaning the basement. It's dark and dirty, musty and murky. So heavy with  things "done and left undone." It wipes me out and it is taking everything I have to stay on this. But I want to be free of all this stuff. It's gotten too heavy. So on this long holiday weekend there will be no rest in the Ryan home. We're cleaning the basement.

As bad as it is, this experience has inspired me with new ideas for Juice Break.

Coming soon...

"It Came From The Basement" and "The Things I'll Keep"

Heading downstairs. If you don't hear from me in the next few days, send help.


  1. Wow! Good for you! I am going to stay tuned to what "comes from the basement." This may be the inspiration I need...

  2. Thanks, Gayle. We're still at it and new post coming soon!
